DIES,Delhi Institute of Engineering Studies,Top 100 Engineering Institute in India

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Different ways to engineer a rewarding carrier!
Today’s rapidly changing world demands not just a high degree of professionalism in every vocation, but also that this expertise maintains its cutting edge through constant up-gradation and improvement of skills.
It is not surprising that contemporary education is alsoreflecting this challenging and dynamic employment scenario.
There was a time when the pursuitof a conventional degree, through a dedicated full time course was the accepted norm. Now the whole concept of learning , as well as of the time and money involved therein, has been transformed dramatically. Once their schooling is over, a lot of youngsters now prefer to enroll for a course and simultaneously take up employment…. thus “overlapping” the two and making money their investment of time twice as productive. Significantly, their job also helps finance their education at the same time.

By taking up a relevent course and seeking out a job appropriately matched his academic stream, the student accelerate his learning considerably by complimenting classroom theory with valuable hands-on experience on the shop-floor or in the marketplace.
At Delhi Institute of Engineering Studies (DIES), we offer a wide variety of professional engineering coursesthat are especially structured to suit current requirements of the professional world. While tailored to be relevent to today’s demands, the curriculla also ensure a plateform for future knowledge enhancement–if the student wishes to specialize in his stream further or pursue an advanced course of study related thereto.

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Management Courses provide you with a broad foundation of business disciplines, such as Finance, Economics, and Marketing.